Nice article Jeff.
I notice the pounding in and referencing of Matthew 24:45-47 all over.
That is the WTS "ace" card.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
watchtower study article jun 15th 2080 (direct retina scanned edition).
14...the watchtower of nov 15th 2037 brought out the increased light that the 144,000 of revelation should not be understood as a figurative number , but that the heavenly hope is open to all who wish to partake.
we rejoice that the number who profess such a hope has risen to over one million now , together with the over 35 million of the great crowd class.
Nice article Jeff.
I notice the pounding in and referencing of Matthew 24:45-47 all over.
That is the WTS "ace" card.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
watchtower study article jun 15th 2080 (direct retina scanned edition).
14...the watchtower of nov 15th 2037 brought out the increased light that the 144,000 of revelation should not be understood as a figurative number , but that the heavenly hope is open to all who wish to partake.
we rejoice that the number who profess such a hope has risen to over one million now , together with the over 35 million of the great crowd class.
Paragraph 17 is the clincher and convincer for all mindless JWs.
Actually, you can have this very same paragraph in any article that highlights a new change of any year.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
wt 11/1/1995 says:.
"this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.
" (matthew 24:14) no human can say when that end will be, but we know that the end of "this generation" of wicked people will come once the witness has been given to gods satisfaction "to the most distant part of the earth.
I like this. Bookmarked and saved to note down later. I will use this method. Thanks Perry!
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
a few months ago there was a thread about a couple of elders at the mill hill bethel being disfellowshipped because they disagreed with some wt doctrine (i can't recall exactly what it was) and that several other betheliteswere under 'investigation'.
i haven't heard anything since, does anyone know anything more about this?.
borghater xx.
Welcome to the forum Le Chat Noir
As by your detailed post, you certainly are knowledgeable about the English/British hierarchy.
Thanks for the info and we hope to hear more from you soon!
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
just looked through some of the largest populations in the world and ten of them add up to 3,500,000,000. how many witnesses serve these 10 countries.
no more than 60,000. the largest are china and india which together have around 2.5 billion people.
so is the jw good news being spread earthwide.
I made a somewhat similiar point to an elder in my congregation last summer.
He then had the "deer in the headlights" look on his face. That was then followed by a nervous smile and he said, "That's why we need to go out and preach urgently."
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
twenty+ year veteran japanese bethelites sent to the field as special pioneers.
i don't have the exact number laid off.
however, there are a total of 550+ members at the ebina branch, so if the trend reflects the same as in the u.s. and europe branches, then we can assume at least between 10% - 20%.. in order to counterbalance the need for a work force but without having to incur expenses by housing and feeding them, japan bethel is considering opening the door to "commuting bethelites".
JWoods said : Did I read the first post correctly - they had 550+ members at the Japan Branch? What in the world would they need this many for?
The Japan branch at Ebina covers most of Southeast Asia in terms of printing and translating. They also cover this specific zone in the service department in the sense that that often send brothers and sisters from local Japanese congregations or from Bethel itself to these lands (i.e. Malaysia, Nepal, Indonesia) under missionary status.
As you can guess, I live in Japan. I've been to Ebina several times and know dozens of Japanese Bethelites. Over the years I can see how they are now "worker" heavy in terms of liability and expense.
bohmsaid : I once read that laying off people in japan was a big problem - there is (was?) a cultural thing where people assume (or assumed?) that once you were employed at a company, and you did not screw up, you could not get fired.
So true. Lifetime employment had always been part of the cultural norm in this country. Not any longer.......even if you are volunteering.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
twenty+ year veteran japanese bethelites sent to the field as special pioneers.
i don't have the exact number laid off.
however, there are a total of 550+ members at the ebina branch, so if the trend reflects the same as in the u.s. and europe branches, then we can assume at least between 10% - 20%.. in order to counterbalance the need for a work force but without having to incur expenses by housing and feeding them, japan bethel is considering opening the door to "commuting bethelites".
Gayle said : the volunteers may have a family supporting them or a part-time job.
This is what seems to be what the Japan Bethel is looking for. Plus, this opens the door for those ambitious type brothers who can now claim "Bethel" status if they can be accepted to go as commuter workers. I assume this volunteer work will be accepted into their pioneer time.
Gregor : LOL!
Ynot : The SP status won't last forever for these newly laid off ones. They were originally hoping to make it a Bethel career, and eventually being cared for when they are old and invalid IF the New System doesn't come in their lifetime. But now, reality bites.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
twenty+ year veteran japanese bethelites sent to the field as special pioneers.
i don't have the exact number laid off.
however, there are a total of 550+ members at the ebina branch, so if the trend reflects the same as in the u.s. and europe branches, then we can assume at least between 10% - 20%.. in order to counterbalance the need for a work force but without having to incur expenses by housing and feeding them, japan bethel is considering opening the door to "commuting bethelites".
Twenty+ year veteran Japanese Bethelites sent to the field as Special Pioneers. I don't have the exact number laid off. However, there are a total of 550+ members at the Ebina Branch, so if the trend reflects the same as in the U.S. and Europe branches, then we can assume at least between 10% - 20%.
In order to counterbalance the need for a work force BUT without having to incur expenses by housing and feeding them, Japan Bethel is considering opening the door to "commuting Bethelites". These would be brothers who live outside the "commune" and would be willing to travel/commute to work voluntarily at the Japan branch. Something similiar to volunteer Regional Building Committee workers who do quick builds.
I'll update as I learn more.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
"i believe in one god, and no more; and i hope for happiness beyond this life.
i believe the equality of man, and i believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow-creatures happy.
but, lest it should be supposed that i believe many other things in addition to these, i shall, in the progress of this work, declare the things i do not believe, and my reasons for not believing them.
<--------------------- A conscious class member raises hand.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
per a letter sent to all special pioneers in the us:.
previously the society reimbursed the special pioneers at a flat rate of x cents per mile, to cover the cost of gasoline and maintenance on their cars.
if i recall correctly, it may even have been the standard irs allowable deduction, something like 40-50 cents per mile.. beginning in 2010, the society will reimburse for mileage only, and strictly follow a mathematical formula, using:.
In the country that I'm currently living in, only special pioneers who are in foreign language congregations were given mileage reimbursement. For example, this would apply to a special pioneer in a Spanish speaking congregation in Thailand.
However, this discontinued as of the service year starting in 2009. Now, no special pioneers are getting reimbursed.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)